Succeeding on the Addleshaw Goddard's Vacation Scheme

Caitlin and Addleshaw Goddard

Caitlin was first introduced to Addleshaw Goddard in the first year of her law studies at the University of York. Due to the national lockdown, Addleshaw Goddard’s first year scheme was unfortunately cancelled however she was able to meet employees of the firm at a networking event. As any recent law undergraduate, Caitlin started university with an ‘almost lack of knowledge about law firms and the training contract process’. She began to develop an understanding through attending various law fairs at university, law careers articles and word of mouth throughout her university cohort. Thus, she applied for the online vacation scheme and received a training contract on the final day of the scheme. Read here for Steps 1-3 as we go through the Addleshaw Goddard application process!

The Vacation Scheme Application Process

Step 1 - Vacation Scheme Application Process:

  • Written Application

  • Video interview

  • Assessment Centre (case study interview)

Step 2 - Vacation Scheme:

  • Meetings

  • Networking

  • Written tasks

  • Group assessment tasks

Step 3 - Training Contract Interview

Each application stage was assessed individually without the assessors seeing your prior application.

➔   Advice for the Written Application


  1. Why law?

  2. Why Addleshaw Goddard?

  3. Write about a commercial issue that is currently affecting the firm

Time Spent:

The likelihood is that you will be doing written applications for a number of firms, so there is a limited time frame in which you can spend writing each individual application. Addleshaw Goddard recruits on a rolling basis, so Caitlin ‘really focused on writing a well-researched and coherent application’.

Work Experience/Hobbies and Interests:

●      Local Law Firms

Caitlin had prior legal experiences in local firms and offices and developed a greater understanding of the inner workings of a law firm.

-       How different teams work

-       What tasks trainee solicitors commonly do

“However, legal work experience is difficult to get as a student, and law firms really value other experience- it is all about the skills you have developed, rather than where exactly you worked.”

Other examples:

●      Waitress

●      Swimming Teacher

●      University societies- President of the York Student Minds Team, Captain of the hockey team

These non-legal work experiences ‘advance my skills of leadership, organisation, handling issues in high-pressure situations and adaptability to different challenges. AG also values individuality, so I mentioned my experience in uni societies, with my committee position on the York Student Minds team demonstrating my passion for mental health, which I used to align with the firm’s commitment to employee wellbeing.’


“You need really niche individual points about the firm that you have looked into - their recent cases, clients, charitable efforts or awards. In your written application, show them that you have done as much research as possible, beyond just being able to recite their firm website. Link together these key points and your individual interests and experiences to help you stand out, and to better convince them that you would be a suitable candidate for the firm.”

➔   Advice for the Video Interview

●      Memorise key points of written application

●      Re-research law firm (up-to-date information, key cases)

●      Look on GlassDoor and various websites for questions to expect (make bullet points)

Given that it was a video interview, where you usually get the opportunity to practise answers, Cailtin gave herself plenty of time, using the practice time to remain calm and go over the key points that she wanted to make.

Assessment Centre- included a case study

After the initial video interview, Caitlin had a case study of a case. She had to debrief the case to two partners and answer a series of questions related to the case study. There were approximately 5 other applicants in Caitlin’s group. In all of her interviews at the firm, she had two interviewers (associates, partners or members of the GR team).

➔   Advice for completing the Video Interview and Assessment Centre online

●      Find a secure and quiet place (make sure your housemates aren’t making too much noise!)

●      Stable connection

●      Ensure your login details and platform work prior to interview

●      Stay calm and collected


“Obviously there is always going to be a bit of anticipation and nerves prior to any interview...however, I think it’s really important to go into the interview being confident in your ability and your achievements thus far.”

➔   Advice for the Case Study

●      Make notes on the key points

●      Composed in a structure easy for you to be able to recite to the assessors

●      Be prepared to think quickly

●      Do not worry about coming up with a ‘perfect’ answer

●      Be prepared to be assessed on your thought process

Questions asked:

“Outside of court, what ways could we resolve the dispute with competitors?” (ADR knowledge)

“What would you say to future government proposals to increase tax in the UK?”

“When have you worked in a team?”

“When have you been a leader?”

“When have you overcome adversity?”


●      They don’t expect you to have an accurately researched answer.

●      They are assessing your commercial awareness and ability to think on your feet.

●      Prepare for a lot of competency questions

The Vacation Scheme

The vacation scheme lasted for 3 days.

Activities undertaken on the scheme

●      Networking with the firm (online escape rooms with trainees and networking lunches)

●      Meetings with trainee buddy and supervisor

●      Interviews with partners

●      Written tasks (drafting letters, amendments to clauses, research tasks)

●      Group assessment task (preparing and presenting a group business proposal)


“The days of the VS were fairly busy, but we had plenty of time for breaks, and were given the opportunity to meet and talk to various members of the firm, in all of the different offices.”


“Despite being an applicant for the London firm, I was able to interact with both candidates and employees in offices all over the UK...I enjoyed learning all about AG as a firm, rather than just the office I was applying to... as it gave me a real insight into the firm.”

Training Contract Interview

On the final day of the Vacation Scheme, Caitlin had an interview for a training contract. Use “similar tactics for the previous interviews...but added the additional insight and knowledge that I had from the Vacation Scheme”. She mentioned conversations that she had with people at the firm and things that she learnt over the few days of the scheme.

 Within a week, she received a phone call from the head of GR confirming she was successful!

Caitlin’s Impression of Addleshaw Goddard

➔   Networking with Addleshaw Goddard’s employees

‘I can honestly say that all of the lawyers I spoke to were very genuine and down-to-earth.’ She was drawn to the friendly attitude of Addleshaw Goddard’s lawyers. ‘They were patient to all of the questions from naive first year law students, and never made me think that anything I said was wrong or unimportant.’

➔   Summary of Addleshaw Goddard

❖    Authenticity regarding Addleshaw Goddard’s…

  1. Honest commitment to improve diversity and inclusion within the firm.

  2. Demonstration through the application process that they value individuality.

‘The firm is looking for your authentic self in future trainee solicitors, rather than applicants trying to be something that they are not.’

❖    Far reaching

  1. 13 offices around the world

  2. Acted for 94 countries for clients in the last three years

‘Addleshaw Goddard’s multiple national and international offices within the firm, alongside the breadth of departments and full-service nature of AG accurately describes the broad impact that the firm is having on the legal sector as a whole.’

❖    Community

  1. The ‘Open AG’ mentality (collaboration and networking between offices)

  2. Addleshaw Goddard’s Mindful Business Charter

The aspects of a community mentioned above ‘really epitomises how supportive the firm is, which is especially necessary to create a sense of togetherness despite COVID-19 and the consequential work from home’.

Last words of advice

Be prepared for rejection. Stay positive

“With a lot of rejection behind the successful training contract at Addleshaw Goddard, it truly did feel like all my hard work and effort over the past few years had paid off!”

Be You

“Both with AG and with their competitors, when applying for TC’s they want to see who YOU are - show off your personality and mention your hobbies and interests, rather than trying to mould yourself into what you think the ideal candidate or “fit” looks like.”

Caitlin is really excited for the next few years! She is going into her third year so she will be very much focusing on doing well on her degree and enjoying her final year. After graduating, she plans to start on her post-grad qualification in London.

by Ke Thie Kiew and Caitlin Allinson